Returning to Energy - Certified Reiki 1&2
Experience Your Unique Energy—Not Just Another Method
Free to be You!
Have you been searching for a way to truly work with energy and connect to your most inner self—something more than just following a set method?
In this program, you’ll learn practical tools like Reiki and other Energy Work Methods, empowering you to tap into universal energy for healing and transforming you and others.
But this is more than just learning techniques. It’s about using these tools to unlock your unique energy and gifts, so you can reconnect with your true self.
You’ll finally feel aligned, intuitive, and empowered to live authentically, free from the feeling that something is missing.
Ready to discover your power? Keep reading.
Your journey to mastering energy and living in alignment with your authentic self starts here.
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There is a life beyond you can imagine!
Reiki means "Universal Life Energy" in Japanese, and that’s exactly what will flow through you during this journey. Everything around us is energy, and learning to work with it means learning to flow with life itself. This opens the door to deep self-exploration, revealing hidden parts of yourself and creating profound healing—for you and for others. Energy has a way of showing us the truth. It cuts through the noise, guiding you to the most authentic and empowered version of yourself. In this program, you’ll discover your unique energetic signature and learn how to bring it into your everyday life, offering transformation not just for yourself, but for those you touch.
and here is how:
Connecting to Universal Energy and your inner essence.
Activating Healing and your Unique Way to Work with Energy.
Diving Deep.
Finding your Core Blockage and going into Personal Transformation.
The problem is...
The first step is always the hardest.
- There are many doubts, if there is really a way out of your situations and that this could really help you.
- Fear that your life might change in a way that you don't like. And that people around you might leave you.
- That you are not capable of working with energy, or what happens if you start opening up to it.

Here's the truth
It doesn't have to be this way
Behind those fears, is a life where your relationships prosper, because you are aligned with who you are.
Where seeing clearly your energy and what path it takes to bring you the joy, freedom and alignment in your life.
Imagine how would your whole surrounding feel and life change when you feel: joy, alignment, free and connected to yourself?

"Before, I trudged through life, stumbling at times and not really coming to my senses. I was caught up in my emotions and in the living conditions that surround us all. I wouldn't have given myself the strength that lies dormant within me and that can now be a good friend to me in everyday life. I thank you from the bottom of my heart."
Barbara Rattay, Life Coach and Reiki Master
Returning to Energy
Certified Reiki 1&2
The Break-Through Certified Course to living your true Essence in a World of Chaos.
This Course caters to every single person's individual needs and transformations.
Proven roadmap
You will be guided step by step, learning tools that you can integrate into your daily life.
This is NOT another course where the tools land in the cupboard. We work on integrating on all the work in person.
You will be Certified in Reiki 1 and 2 during this course. Most people attending don't choose to do it professionally, but you have the option.
Private community
This is a long term accompaniment that insures that you can implement your practice in daily life.
This active community, of like-minded people, supports each other in healing. As well as, I will be there to answer any questions.
Catering to your needs
In the course, I will go very deep into every single person's process. This makes the course unique, because we work what actually is good for you and not some one fits all methode.

Reiki Initiations
The Initiations are where your Energy Channel is tuned and connected to the Universal Energy (Reiki).
I will channel for you on what your energy field needs right now in order to make the next step in your personal growth toward living an authentic and true life.
Reiki 1: 4 Initiations; Reiki 2: 1 Initiation
You will also receive the Reiki Symbols and learn their application.

A clear mind and understand what the difference is between you and others is essential in energy work.
It will help you to become a clear and stable Channel for Universal Energy.
This will help you become excellent and clear in this work.

Experiencing Self
You will undergo a huge transformation. Through my Mediumship and Coaching, I will constantly support you to break through your core blockage that occurs in your life right now, empowering your essence.
Also, this work is highly intuition focused. So we will work on your trust and strengthen your intuition.

Your unique energy talent
Everybody is different - also in energy work. That is why in my course, the focus will be finding your talent and way to work with energy.
This can be Healing, Mediumship, Voice, working with specific beings and so on.

Body Reiki
Here are the tools you will receive:
Applying Reiki on the body and hand positions, Chakra Balancing, Self Reiki and activating self-healing powers, Quick Reiki, Mental Reiki.

Distant Reiki
This is the work in the quantum field. Learning to send energy in the distance.
Here are the tools you will receive:
Distant Reiki for people, places, other beings.

other reiki practices
Opening and closing a Reiki channel, the history of Reiki, managing the energy of others, space cleansing, cleansing of jewelry, protection, integrating Reiki into daily life

You will be certified Reiki 1 and 2. This enables you to work with Reiki on the body and in distance, also with clients (if you wish so).
Many students have also done this just for themselves.